Thinkers Shaping Mod Notebooks

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Here with thanks are all the great thinkers, creators and writers who have helped shape Mod Notebooks.

To become part of the community leave your thoughts on improvements we could make by emailing us at hello [at] Tks Mod.

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Name Quote Where
Kelly Leap and the Net will Appear instagram @kellypontoniart
Matthew Get Attention. Be Heard. Sell more. Story power!
Samuel Knowledge is the food of the soul. - Plato IG: @wurvous
Josue People are amazed when I tell them my notes are backed-up on my Evernote account! I get the visual elements of note taking by hand, with the power of the cloud to access and reference my notes on the go. IG @digital_wizard Twitter: jmsierra web:
Cory As long as you live, keep learning how to live. - Seneca
Joshua Risk is a six letter word spelled P-R-O-F-I-T
Grant Anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing
Will Know your shit. That makes up for a multitude of sins.
Mike Perfect mix of analog and digital with new digital format!
Andrew I draw and like people to see them
Joshua Paper and pen is still the best way to capture thoughts, ideas and notes. It gets everything out of the way and allows for a pristine flow of consciousness from brain to page. But after that, it's important to digitize that page for later use, searching and archiving. Nobody does that better than ModNotebook.
John Fail. Fail again. Fail better.
Adrian insta: @stilladrianfuentes